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Welcome to My Human Rights Protection Organization! 


We're a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization incorporated in Los Angeles, California in 1999.


We Protect Individuals’ Rights and Provide Access to Justice at the International Level.






We aim to create Jurisprudence (antecedents) in order to strengthen the International Legal System and influence legislation by filing habeas corpus, Amicus Curiae, and other pleadings. The Goal of MYHRP  is to reach all of Latin-America as well as other Nations world wide. 






By bringing Human Rights cases to the international level MYHRP strengthens democracy by holding dictators and their followers accountable for their actions. 


By bringing Human Rights cases to the international level MYHRP is also able to influence legislation domestically and internationally.

We Offer:


  • Legal Defense

  • Help for Attorneys to bring their cases to IACH/IACtHR in Washington, D.C.

  • Fund Raising for those who can’t afford Legal Costs

  • Public Education regarding the Rights of individuals and how they can be Enforced



LAIHR provides Victims with the same level of Legal Representation available to the Government entities they are up against.


Attorneys and Officials for Governments receive free technical and legal training by institutions such as the OAS, IMF, and  WTO and have the ample resources to pay for top-notch Legal Counsel.


On the other hand, Victims of Human Rights abuses often lack resources and awareness necessary to bring their case to Justice.


Jairo Sequeira

Welcome to My Human Rights Protection Organization! 



We're a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization incorporated in Los Angeles, California since 1999. 


We use international law to make a difference in people’s life by protecting their rights and to help them have access to justice via the mechanisms available at the international level. 



About MYHRP | Cases | Volunteers & Internship | Templates | Speaking Engagements 

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